The Dopinglinkki net service is intended for fitness enthusiasts who use doping substances (also known as performance and image enhancing drugs, PIEDs/PEDs), their friends and family members, professionals from different fields who meet users of doping in their work, and all those interested in the effects of doping substances.

Doping substance use among young people
New article on doping substance use among young people. Read more about prevalence, predictors and risk factors among young people.
Anabolic steroids dependence
It has been estimated that up to a third of anabolic steroid users experience dependence. The dependence shows up as the chronic use of anabolic steroids at high doses and using multiple substances over a long period of time, despite the physical and psychosocial harm they cause. This article also includes a Risk assessment form for anabolic steroid dependence.

Safer injection of anabolic steroids
This article is written for people who use testosterone and anabolic steroids by injection and for health professionals who treat them in the course of their work. The purpose of this article is to reduce the potential harm resulting from injecting anabolic steroids.